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Adaptare a celebrei legende medievale, filmul de animatie regizat de Robert Zemeckis spune povestea unui neinfricat razboinic, Beowulf. Acesta calatoreste intr-un regat vecin unde il ucide pe monstruosul Grendel. Primit ca un erou la intoarcerea acasa, solitarul razboinic isi da curand seama ca acum are de infruntat un adversar inca si mai fioros, si anume pe infioratoarea mama a lui Grendel, care doreste sa razbune moartea fiului ei.
Intr-o epoca a eroilor, apare cel mai puternic razboinic dintre toti - Beowulf. Dupa ce-l nimiceste pe temutul demon, Grendel, el isi atrage ura nemarginita a nemiloasei sale mame, care va face totul pentru a razbuna moartea fiarei...

Categoria: Aventura | Adaugat de: Paul_Cr3ativ (13 Iun 2010)
Vizionari: 1670 | Tags: Beowulf | Rating: 0.0/0
Comentarii: 1
1 Juan  
Yes, the dragon scene suolhd have reminded you of Smaug... Tolkien was a Beowulf scholar and spent a considerable amount of his life translating and thinking about the Old English. You suolhd also note the relationship between Beowulf and the Rohirrim. Rohan was essentially copied from Beowulf (Meduseld, the golden hall is the same word as the hall in the old english version of Beowulf). I actually found an audiobook version of this that I really liked- old English poetry sounds better read aloud.-Martin

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